A Reason to Sing Read online

Page 8

  Karlie placed her hands on her hips. “Grandma, I’m coming for God. He gets the glory.”

  Merle tapped Karlie on the shoulder. “I know that, honey. But by default, you’ll get recognition. Is there any way you get could Yolanda Adams or Canton Jones to make an appearance?”

  Karlie laughed. “Probably, but I would’ve had to check with them months ago. You’ll just have to settle for me.”

  Merle touched her cheek. “You’re not a settlement. You’re a prize.”

  Karlie’s eyes softened. “I love you.” She looked at her watch. “I’ve got to run. I have to meet up with Brian.”

  Merle gave her a hug. “Can you send me the video of Addie’s prayer?”

  “Sure,” Karlie said. “I hope it encourages you.”

  Merle nodded. Addie’s prayer would be more than encouragement.

  It would be her teacher.

  Ch. 13

  His divorce was final. There was nothing holding him back from marrying Megan but Megan herself.

  Ryan had been in New Hampshire for four days without so much of a phone call from Megan, who had ignored his calls and texts. Ryan placed his laptop on the seat next to him and looked out at the blue sky. He admired God’s awesome creation before leaning back into the luxurious white leather seat. Michael Ward, Pastor Keith Ward’s younger brother, knew how to live. Celebrities used Michael’s private jet, but Ryan had been granted exclusive access. That was one of the perks of being Michael Ward of MJW Conglomerate’s business partner. Bringing him in to Spababies was the best decision Ryan had ever made.

  Spababies, Incorporated was a deluxe childcare service for mall shoppers. Parents could drop their children off at the center while they did their shopping. Michael had designed the centers with state-of-the-art security systems, and they had received 100 percent positive ratings. Ryan intended to keep it that way.

  The private line rang. Ryan answered on the second ring.

  “We have a problem,” Michael Ward said. “Or I should say, you have a problem.”

  Ryan’s hand tightened on the phone, but he kept his voice light. “What’s going on?”

  “Kyle Manchester is coming after Spababies. I’m listed on the class action suit involving Jackson Higgins.”

  Ryan groaned. Jackson Higgins was dead. Why couldn’t they let this man rest in peace? Even in death, Jackson Higgins was a thorn. But if Jackson was the thorn, Megan was the rose.

  “He doesn’t have a case, Michael. Kyle is after money. I don’t even know why Kyle added you to this nonsense. I’ll take care of it.”

  “He added me because I’m with the company and have more resources and manpower,” Michael said. “Of course he would add me to the case. This is guaranteed to make the news. I’ve been scandal-free for quite some time, and I’d like to keep it that way. I don’t need or want my name in the spotlight ever again.”

  MJW Conglomerate’s demise had been a newscaster’s dream when Michael Ward had been accused of raping a nineteen-year-old. His stocks and businesses nosedived. Fortunately, in time, the truth prevailed and the case was settled. Since then, Michael made sure to keep out of the spotlight, especially since he was about to become the father of twins.

  “I’ll handle the case,” Michael said.

  Ryan’s shoulders relaxed. He knew Michael would prevent any further action. But for Ryan, this was an alarm bell and he needed to pay attention to the sound. Megan had infiltrated his thoughts, messing with his priorities. The quicker he settled things with her…

  “Ryan, tell me the truth,” Michael said. “Do you have any other concerns? I’ve heard the accusations.”

  “What accusations?”

  “You know I do my research. I know Kyle thinks you murdered Jackson Higgins.”

  Ryan should have known Michael would hear the rumors. “That is malarkey,” he said. Ever since Joe Biden used “malarkey” at the presidential debate, Ryan had fallen in love with the word. “Jackson hung himself. His wife found him hanging. That’s it. I’m not involved.”

  Ryan thought of Frank, whom Michael had recommended. It’s taken care of still haunted him. What did those words mean exactly?

  “Are you sure?” Michael insisted. “My source told me Kyle has the FBI involved.”

  “Well…” The FBI? Ryan cleared his throat. He needed someone to talk to besides Michael’s brother, Pastor Keith Ward. Ryan always sought his pastor for advice. He didn’t know how, but every time he was in Pastor Ward’s presence, his tongue loosened. That’s why Ryan hadn’t been to Zion’s Hill Baptist. He had to avoid Pastor Ward’s keen eye, and Michael was no different.

  “I used Frank,” Ryan said.

  “Say no more,” Michael said and clicked off.

  Ryan looked at the phone before resting it in its cradle. He knew why Michael had disconnected the line. Frank Armadillo was a ghost, a grandfatherly figure who was lethal and cunning. He got things done. He made things happen. Very few knew about him, but once you knew him, you never forgot him. Regardless of his reputation, however, Ryan knew Frank wasn’t a murderer—but it didn’t mean Frank didn’t know plenty.

  Ryan looked up at the ceiling of the jet. He remembered Megan mentioning how Kyle suggested she pursue him. He had thought it was about money, but maybe Kyle was recruiting Megan as an informant. Maybe he needed to leave Megan alone. Plenty of women wanted him. He could use one to paint over the imprint Megan had left in his mind. Every time he closed his eyes, he thought of her.

  Who was he fooling? No other woman but Megan would do. Ryan only needed one woman. He needed Megan. He tapped his chin and knew the way he was sprung on Megan could bring him down. How had she pierced his heart upon first sight? The notion was ludicrous, but it had happened to him for the second time in his life. Ryan was a believer.

  If Megan were his wife, she would be a major conflict of interest, and Kyle would have to abort his plan for revenge.

  Ryan rubbed the bridge of his nose. He needed to hurry Megan along. Marrying her wouldn’t only satisfy his heart, it would also benefit his peace of mind and his pockets. This was a potential triple win situation, but Megan was stubborn. She was set on keeping him out of her life. Ryan gritted his teeth when he remembered how she had slammed the door in his face.

  He squared his shoulders. He needed to give up the knight-in-shining-armor routine. It was played out, and Megan wasn’t buying it. The nicer he was, the nastier she became. His left eye ticked when he recalled how her eyes twinkled at his discomfort of being treated like a chauffeur.

  The fury-filled beast within howled. It was time for him to change tactics. He knew one surefire way to get results. Ryan picked up the phone and punched in the digits.

  When he heard the voice on the line, he said, “Time for plan B. Get it done.”

  He slammed down the phone and settled into the cushiony leather. Then he smiled. His inner beast was pleased. Megan would be his. By this time next week, he would be a married man. Megan would bear his name. Her son would be his son. Her church would be his church. His home would be her home. His life, her life, as long as they both shall live.

  So help him God.

  Ch. 14

  “How does this happen?” Megan yelled, pacing her living room area. “How can you tell me I have no place to live?” She waved the notice from the sheriff’s office in the air as if the person on the other end of the line could see it. She had returned from food shopping when she saw the paper taped outside her door.

  As soon as she put on the television for Cooper, Megan had called the bank.

  “Ma’am, you’ll have to take this up with the judge who signed the eviction notice. I can only tell you what I see on the screen,” the polite voice on the other end of the line stated. “Do you want me to transfer the call to a supervisor?”

  “No!” Megan bellowed. “This is my fifth call, and each time my call has been transferred. Now I need you to click on that screen and find out what is going on with my home.”

p; She heard a huff and the clicking of the computer keys.

  Another voice said, “The bank accepted an offer on your home. The short sale was yesterday. You have forty-eight hours to vacate the property.”

  “But, I never put my house up for sale!” she sputtered. “This is ridiculous! I was behind two months and never received a foreclosure notice.” Her heart pounded in her chest.

  “Ma’am, according to our records, you’ve received three notices. You also failed to show up for the hearing.”

  Megan’s eyes widened. “Hearing? What hearing?” Megan searched her memory. She definitely did not see any mail from the bank.

  “It’s too late, ma’am. There’s nothing we can do.”

  Megan’s shoulders slumped. She pleaded. “I have a child. Where am I supposed to go? My husband died and left me with all these bills.”

  “I suggest you get a job like the rest of us.” The line went dead.

  Megan’s mouth dropped open. How dare she get snarky! “They don’t know me. They don’t know my situation. I’m not some gold digger. I have a college degree. I was a teacher. Jackson told me to stay home…” She looked up at the chandelier and smiled sadly. Jackson had insisted they purchase the gaudy display of wealth. They were in the big leagues, he had said. Then he had worked on convincing her to leave her job.

  Megan picked her way through each room, touching different items, caught up with her memories. She had called this place home for the past five years. But in a moment, a twinkling of the eye, as the Bible said, it had all changed.

  Megan felt sorry for herself. She released the tears she had tried to hold at bay.

  “God, I have no one. No one…” Her body shook. Her face was covered with tears. Megan closed her eyes. How much trauma could one person experience? How would she tell Cooper they had nowhere to go? This was the only home he had ever known. Megan dissolved into fresh tears. She was an epic failure as a mom.

  After several minutes, Megan stood and wiped her face. How did she lose her home so quickly? She never got any notice. An ominous thought fluttered into her mind. Could Ryan do this to her? He had connections. He was a powerful man. She had kept a promise to herself and had cut him out of her life. Megan felt a chill and rubbed her arms. She had ignored all his communication and then this happened. It had to be more than a coincidence.

  Sudden red-hot anger flowed through her veins like lava. “Please don’t tell me he would be so cruel!” her voice boomed. Megan surged to her feet and ran for her cell phone. She scrolled through her missed calls and pressed Ryan’s number. He answered mid-ring as if he were expecting her call.

  “What did you do?” Megan raged as soon as he picked up. “I got a notice saying I have to leave my house in forty-eight hours. I never received any prior notice. All I can think of is that you are the self-serving, spineless, excuse for a man who would do this to me. Why?”

  “I did what I had to,” was his cool response. “You’re pushing me out of your life.”

  “You were never in it!” she roared. “You’re an egotistical boor. How did you even get something like this done?”

  “I called in favors,” Ryan said.

  He wasn’t remorseful. He sounded smug and pleased. Ryan didn’t give a rat’s banana that he was destroying her life. Yes, she had bills, and yes, her eviction was in the distant future, but Megan had job applications out there. Her heart had filled with hope when she received a call to interview for a position opening in August in the Hicksville School District. Then this happened.

  “Ryan, please leave me alone. You’re a successful, handsome man who can get anyone he wants. Why me?”

  “I love you.”

  “Love?” she spat. “You don’t know anything about love. Love is tender and is kind. Love is caring about someone more than yourself. It’s not manipulative and evil. You’re delusional if you think I want your love.”

  “Marry me,” he said.

  Megan gritted her teeth to keep from screaming. “You can’t back me into a brick wall and expect me to marry you. You’re insane.”

  “No. I’m determined. You don’t understand the force that hit my entire being when I saw you. You were meant for me, and I will have you.”

  Megan shuddered. She drew several breaths and exhaled. “Ryan.” She spoke through her teeth. “I need you to understand. This is maniacal. You’re creeping me out, acting like a psychotic killer in a Lifetime movie. This is real life, my life, and you’re scaring me.” She broke down.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “The last thing I want is to make you afraid of me. I just want your love.”

  “Taking my home away from me isn’t the way to get it, and I could never love you,” she said. “I don’t have proof, but deep in my gut I know you killed my husband. How could you expect I’d feel anything for you but repulsion?”

  He gasped. Then his voice oozed into her ear, “Your repulsion is a strong emotion. I’d rather you feel that than feel nothing.”

  Megan massaged between her eyes. “You have a sick, twisted mind, Ryan Oakes.” She ran her fingers through her hair and looked at the clock. “I’ve got to cook dinner for my son. I’m done talking to someone who hears but doesn’t listen.”

  Megan hung up on Ryan and called Mother Hanson at A Better Life. It was time to fling her pride to the winds and find a place to live. She lifted her chin. She would rather sleep on the floor of the church than marry the likes of Ryan Oakes.

  He would never be her husband.

  Ch. 15

  Today was his wedding day. Ryan stood smiling in his suite at the MJW Resort with a towel around his waist. It had been over twenty years since he had been a groom, and here he was blissfully diving in again. Although his bride-to-be had taken some convincing, Ryan shrugged. What was that saying? All’s well that ends well.

  If it hadn’t been for Cooper getting hurt at her church sister’s place, Megan would have been done with him for life. Ryan acknowledged he had gone too far when he bought her home, forced her eviction, and bullied her into accepting his proposal, but Megan had thwarted his expectations by turning to the church. Ryan had backed off because he wasn’t bold enough to mess with God’s people. He knew the people at A Better Life were praying saints and could sic God on him. And since Ryan was on the outs with God, he wasn’t taking any chances. He also hated knowing he scared Megan. Her tears had hurt his heart. Ryan had conceded defeat and left her alone.

  Then she called.

  Ryan’s eyes had gone wide when he saw her name pop up on his cell. It had been five weeks since he had heard from her. From the moment he said hello, Megan had wailed in his ear. Ryan had a difficult time deciphering her panicked cries. All he understood was “Cooper” and “hospital” and Ryan had raced to meet her at Nassau Community Hospital.

  Cooper had fallen and broken his arm on the monkey bars at the nearby park. One of the bars was broken, he had a gash on his face, and a plastic surgeon had been called for consultation. Her church brethren were away on a mission trip so she had called him.

  Megan had been hysterical when he arrived. “I s-stopped to tie a little girl’s shoe. Her mother c-came over to thank me. I didn’t notice Cooper c-climbing the monkey bars. He’s too young to be up there. I rushed over b-but before I…he was falling.”

  Ryan didn’t question why she had turned to him. Instead, he saw it as an answered prayer. He pounced on Megan’s momentary weakness and convinced her marrying him was the best decision. Megan had agreed.

  That was two weeks ago. Since then, he hadn’t given her a chance to think. Ryan had ignored her skepticism and noticeable lack of enthusiasm. He had enough for the both of them. Michael had graciously provided the use of his hotel, a premier sought-after resort in New York City. So, here they were two weeks later, about to be joined as man and wife. Pastor Ward had declined to perform the ceremony. Ryan hadn’t cared because he intended to join A Better Life.

  Pastor Miller loved him. Ryan’s shoulders lifted. Today was
the beginning of his do-over.

  His cell phone vibrated on the counter.

  “I’m ready to do this,” his reluctant bride said. She was a few floors below him and was being dressed by some of the best stylists in the business. His heart raced with anticipation.

  “All right, my love, I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  Megan cut the call.

  Ryan chuckled. His bride was less than willing, but he wasn’t concerned. She would soon sign the papers declaring her as his wife.

  Ryan shaved and slipped into his black Armani tux. He heard a knock on the door and went to answer.

  “Hi, Ryan, you look amazing,” Karlie said, hugging him tight. She was dressed in black and white. That was the color scheme Megan had chosen. Karlie would stand in as her maid-of-honor, though they hadn’t met until last night. Ryan had been surprised at her color choice. She seemed as if she would have been a lilac or yellow girl, but he hadn’t argued the point. For him, it was the end result. Megan could wear a garbage bag and he would still find his bride beautiful.

  He eyed Karlie’s gown and smiled.

  “Thank you, honey,” Ryan said, “You look stunning. Thank you for singing for us and for standing with Megan.”

  “I don’t mind, but I find it odd that she has no one.”

  Because Megan hadn’t invited anyone.

  “She’s a private person and wanted an intimate affair. This is our second time around. Besides, I have more than enough people to fill the space.” He saw the concern on Karlie’s face and waved her off. “It’s all good. Trust me.”

  Ryan had invited some of his business colleagues along with Michael and his wife, Verona. He was expecting about fifty people. He had Prim handling all the details. She knew his tastes and that he desired top quality. Ryan had peeked at the décor and was pleased with the results.

  Karlie ran her finger along the bridge of her nose. “This wedding seems weird and rushed.” She pierced him with her eyes. “What’s really going on, Ryan? Why are you marrying Jackson Higgins’ widow? When you told me her name, I almost passed out. Is this a cover-up?” She lowered her voice. “Does this have anything to do with his death?”