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A Reason to Sing Page 16

  Brian knew his own cheeks blushed from the blatant come-on. He cleared his throat, but neither one paid him any attention. Patricia’s eyebrows lifted. She touched Kyle’s collar and bit her lower lip.

  Kyle dragged her down to plant a brief kiss on her lips. “It’s good seeing you.”

  “Believe me, the feeling is mutual. How’s your wound?”

  “I’m fine, but you might have to check it later.”

  Brian felt the heat of their unspoken conversation and decided to excuse himself. If he didn’t leave, he would yell, “You haven’t seen each other in years! At least ask what you’ve been doing instead of these verbal innuendos!” Patricia and Kyle were a bit too much. To think Brian had been worried she wouldn’t be pleased to see Kyle. She was more than happy to see him.

  Brian sauntered toward Neil and Myra and squinted. Was that Jamaal going into the house with Merle behind him? His eyebrows furrowed. What was Jamaal doing here? Had Karlie invited him? Then he shrugged. If Jamaal wanted to see the woman he had lost marry the man she had gained, it was on him.

  Brian hugged Myra. “You look beautiful.”

  The shorter woman beamed. “Thank you.” She cocked her head. “Addie, get away from the tree before you dirty your dress!”

  Addie continued chasing a bird.

  “I’d better go check on her,” Myra said. “She’s a junior bridesmaid and needs to act like it.”

  Neil and Brian chuckled.

  Addie now had one foot propped on the tree as if trying to climb it. They could see the huge rip in her tights. Myra snatched her and they walked toward the house.

  “Tiffany would’ve loved this union,” Neil said.

  Brian laughed. “I distinctly remember her turning me in Tanya’s direction.”

  Neil’s shoulders shook. “You’re both legal now.”

  “I wish she were here.”

  “Me, too.” Neil had a faraway look in his eyes.

  Brian suspected Neil had been in love with Tiffany, but he wouldn’t ask. Neil had maintained his integrity as a man of faith. He was a devoted husband and father. Brian intended to follow that example. Karlie would never regret choosing Brian as her life’s partner.

  “I tell you who I wished had stayed home,” Brian said. “Merle. If I had my way, she wouldn’t be within ten feet of Karlie.”

  Neil nodded. “Merle is only about one person. Merle. She was a horrible mother, and I don’t buy her I’m-saved-and-sanctified act. But I promised Karlie I’d leave her grandmother alone. Merle’s blood, she says, and I can’t argue with that.”

  “I saw Merle in the spirit,” Brian confessed. “She isn’t who Karlie thinks she is. But since she’s family, I’ll respect her. But after today, I don’t intend to allow Merle to continue taking advantage of Karlie. All that stops today.”

  “Merle only sees Karlie’s bank account. I know she loves her, but I don’t think she appreciates the gift of Karlie.”

  Brian thought of Jamaal. “She’s not the only one.” He straightened. “I do. I appreciate Karlie’s beauty and her intelligence.” He looked at his watch and his heart rate increased. “And in less than twenty minutes, I’ll make her my wife. What a blessed man I am.”

  Neil patted his shoulder. “Before you bind yourself to her, let me tell you that from this moment forward, your life will change. It will never be about just you anymore. You’re now thinking for two. Remember that. Karlie will need a praying man and a protector. You’re going to have good days and bad days, but never forget your marriage is a blessing. It’s a direct relationship between you, Karlie, and God. Allow no one else or nothing to come in between.”

  “Thank you for your words.”

  “I’m not done.” Neil came closer. His tone became firm. “Keep your eyes open for the enemy. Married men are a target for sidepieces. I’ll give you the scripture that helped keep me straight. Job thirty-one verses nine and ten says, ‘If mine heart have been deceived by a woman, or I have laid wait at my neighbor’s door; then let my wife grind unto another, let others bow down upon her.’”

  Brian gulped and widened his eyes. “That verse is so graphic.” He resisted the urge to wipe his face.

  Neil nodded. “It means what you think it means and then some. Verse twelve says, ‘For it is a fire that consumeth to destruction, and would root out all mine increase.’ The it there refers to adultery.”

  “I get the picture. Believe me, I only have eyes for Karlie. She’ll be all the woman I need.”

  Neil relaxed and smiled. “Good to hear that. Then you and I never have to have this conversation again. I feel good getting that off my chest.”

  Brian looked at Neil’s forearms and biceps. He had been duly warned. He exhaled. A warning like that from a preacher-father would have some running across the lawn, through the gate, and down the block, but Brian was rooted.

  Brian held out his hand. “You’ll never have to tell me that twice. My eyes will be for Karlie alone.”

  Neil shook his hand.

  Brian swore Neil gripped his hand tighter than usual. He chuckled.

  Neil said, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a ceremony to perform, but first I have to take out the trash.”

  Ch. 32

  “You’d better get inside,” Megan said, looking at her watch. “The bride is waiting on you.”

  Megan had gravitated to the left side of aisle—which had four chairs—though they had been told they could sit wherever. Ryan had watched her from behind, admiring her sexy stride. Megan decided to sit in the second row. She placed Cooper’s diaper bag on a chair next to her.

  Ryan checked the time and stretched a hand toward Cooper, who had been jumping on the chairs. “Come on, little guy. It’s time for us to go.”

  Cooper jumped into his arms. Ryan gave him a kiss on top of his head. He made sure to grab Cooper’s chew toy for his gums. Cooper had a new tooth coming in, and his gums were a little swollen.

  Cooper cupped Ryan’s face with two drool-filled hands.

  “Ugh. Let’s go get cleaned up. I hope you know you’re not going to be chewing on the ring pillow.”

  Myra and Addie passed him on the way inside. He chuckled. He wasn’t the only one trying to keep a child wedding-ready.

  Ryan stepped out of the path of one of the three photographers on site. There were also two videographers capturing well wishes from the guests. He eyed the photo booth at the other end of the lawn. He tried to convince Megan to go into the booth with him, but she said it was for children. Ryan thought the real reason was that Megan meant for them to be partners without the strings. Ryan wanted the strings wrapped so tightly between them that they wouldn’t know where one ended and one began.

  Ryan entered the house and went upstairs to Tiffany’s old room, the master, where Karlie was getting dressed. Ryan stopped by the door refusing to acknowledge Merle who hovered in the hallway. Karlie’s friend, Tanya, was there and had helped her into the gown. When Tanya saw him she stepped aside so Ryan could see his daughter.

  When he spotted Karlie, his breath caught. Karlie’s strapless gown had a sheer low back and ruffles on the bottom. It was an intricate blend of naughty and nice. Her makeup was naturally done and flawless.

  Jamaal stood by her. Ryan overheard his words.

  “I made a mistake. I didn’t recognize you for the prize you were, and I shouldn’t have messed with those girls. I’m here hoping you’ll change your mind and give me a second chance. We can leave together.” Jamaal looked over at Merle, who hovered behind out of sight behind Karlie.

  Merle gestured for Jamaal to continue speaking. The makeup artist was packing up the supplies, ignoring the scene before her.

  Ryan felt his eyes narrow. What was Merle up to? He placed Cooper on the floor.

  “I’ve heard you out like you asked, and now I need you to leave,” Karlie said.

  Jamaal stepped close. “You were with me for years. How can you throw it all away for someone like Brian?”

ya put a hand on her hip. “Jamaal, you need to get out of here. For real. This whole argument is tired and you acting like a sorry fool.”

  “Stay out of it, Tanya,” Jamaal said.

  Tanya looked like she was about to blow, but Karlie tapped her on the arm. “Thanks, girl, but I’ve got it.” She confronted Jamaal. “Why are you here? We’ve been over for months and I haven’t heard from you so why would you choose today of all days?”

  “Brian doesn’t deserve you,” Jamaal said.

  “Brian didn’t sleep around on me. He’s been my best friend. I don’t know what you mean when you say ‘someone like Brian,’ but you’d better get out before he sees you.” She placed both hands on her hips. “I won’t stop him if he chooses to lay you out this time around.”

  “And I’ll help him,” Tanya spoke up. “Don’t let this fancy dress fool you. I’m still Tanya from back in the day.”

  Ryan smiled. His baby girl knew how to handle herself. He was proud. Cooper tugged on his leg. Ryan tousled his hair and used a hand to keep him close.

  Jamaal raised his voice. “Listen up, girl. Brian has nothing on me. You’d best believe that.”

  Ryan decided to intervene and marched into the room. “I suggest you take my daughter’s suggestion and leave.” He grabbed Jamaal by the collar. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’d like to know the same thing myself.” Neil said from behind him. “I came to take the trash out.” Neil covered both Jamaal and Merle in his heated gaze.

  Merle emerged from the hallway clutching her chest. “I know you’re not trying to come at me. I’ve got nothing to do with this.”

  Karlie’s eyes filled with tears. “Jamaal, please leave. You’re ruining my otherwise perfect day.”

  Cooper waddled over in Karlie’s direction and Tanya scooped him into her arms. Ryan was grateful because if Cooper’s shoes touched Karlie’s dress…

  Ryan and Neil charged after Jamaal. They grabbed each of his arms and dragged him down the stairs. Merle was on their heels. They made it to the front door before Jamaal fought them off.

  “Get off me!” Jamaal cried. His eyes held a crazy look. “I’m not leaving without the money!”

  “What money?” Ryan asked.

  Karlie came down the stairs. Tanya followed with Cooper. She put him down and he ran over to Ryan.

  “Merle promised me I’d get paid ten thousand dollars if I convinced Karlie to marry me.”

  “I did no such thing,” Merle yelled. She stomped over to Jamaal and shook a fist in his face. “You’re lying.”

  Karlie faced Merle. “Grandma, did you do this?” Her chin trembled. “Why would you want to mess up my wedding day with this drama?”

  Merle shook her head. “I wouldn’t, sweetheart. Jamaal is lying.”

  “He came with you,” Neil said. “I saw when you arrived.”

  Jamaal pointed a finger at Merle. “You’re a manipulative evil woman.” He went over to Karlie. “I’m sorry I came. I only went along with Merle’s plan because I needed the money. I have a couple of twins on the way, and they could use some things.”

  “Get out, Jamaal,” Neil said firmly. “You’ve had your say.”

  Ryan looked at Merle. “You can follow him out.”

  Merle glared. “I’m here for Karlie, and unless she tells me to leave, I’m not going anywhere.”

  Karlie put her face in her hands. Her shoulders shook.

  Merle went to her. “I love you. This was all a mistake.”

  Cooper vomited on Merle’s dress, and Ryan didn’t see a need to alert her. He would give him ice cream later.

  Karlie turned away, and Neil moved to comfort her. Ryan went to rescue Cooper.

  Merle backed up. “If you put a hand on me, I’ll press charges. I mean it.”

  “Sister Merle?” A woman in a huge gold hat came inside. She took in the scene. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but I came to see where we’re sitting. I know the wedding’s about to start.”

  Karlie sobbed.

  Jamaal used the distraction caused by the woman’s entrance to run out the door. Ryan made a mental note to set up a meeting with Jamaal. There would be no more surprise visits to upset Karlie.

  “Go on and sit down, Sister Inez,” Merle said. “I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Sister Inez rushed over. “What happened to your dress?”

  Merle emitted a loud groan. She placed a hand over her head and closed her eyes. “Lord, I can hear Your voice,” she said, babbling under her breath. “I’m following Your leading. Speak to me.”

  Sister Inez snapped to attention. She stomped her feet. “Merle Peterson, you need to quit it right now.”

  Neil gestured to the makeup artist and led Karlie to the couch. She began airbrushing and repairing Karlie’s face. Ryan placed Cooper with them on the couch and returned to the confrontation going down with Merle.

  “Jesus…” Merle lifted her hands. “Fill my mouth. Tell me what to say.” She nodded as if she was hearing something. “Yes, Lord. I will obey.”

  “Stop it!” Sister Inez shouted. “This nonsense has gone on long enough.” She pinched Merle on the arm, the kind of pinch that would leave a mark for days.

  Merle yelped. She came out of her “trance” and yelled, “What are you doing?”

  Sister Inez pinched her again. “You need to stop pretending to be something you’re not. God isn’t talking to you and you know it.” Sister Inez shook her head. “You can’t move faster than God. Abide in your calling. Let Him do things in His time.”

  “Amen,” Ryan said.

  Merle lowered her head.

  Sister Inez sighed deeply. “Why would you destroy your own grandchild’s wedding with your shenanigans?”

  “I don’t want her marrying Brian,” Merle said in a low voice. “God doesn’t want her with him either.”

  Karlie’s now-perfect eyes widened. She stood, lifted her gown and came over to Merle. “You don’t want me with Brian because he sees you. He warned me about you, but I wouldn’t listen.” She had fire in her eyes, and Merle shrank from her. “If all I’m worth to you is money, I’ll have Winona give you more than you’ll ever be able to spend. But I never want to see your face again. Don’t call me. Don’t contact me. I’m done.”

  Merle paled and flattened her hand across her chest. “You don’t mean that.”

  “I do, and I don’t need a revelation to know what need to be done.” She looked at Neil. Her lips curled. “Take out the trash.”

  Merle slumped to the floor. Neil hoisted to her to her feet and ushered Merle outside, carefully, so she didn’t soil his tux. Sister Inez followed behind.

  “You can stay,” Karlie told Sister Inez.

  Sister Inez froze and smiled. “I’d love to.” She clapped her hands and scurried out the door.

  “You’re not coming?” Merle screamed at Sister Inez. “You’re a traitor, Inez! I don’t believe you!” Then she turned a vicious glare Karlie’s way. “You don’t have to throw me out of your life because I’m leaving. I don’t need you. You’re just like your mother. No matter how much money you have, you’ll always be a two-bit tramp!”

  Neil scooped Merle in his arms and carried her outside the gate. Karlie and Ryan followed. The squirming woman ripped her vomit-stained gown and fell on her butt. Karlie stifled a giggle.

  “How am I supposed to get home?” Merle yelled from outside the gate. “I have no money on me! My purse is in the limousine!” Merle’s yelling attracted the attention of the wedding guests. Everyone ignored her, and the deejay turned up the music.

  Neil grabbed Brian to keep him from going after Merle, and Winona raced over. She would handle Merle.

  The deejay switched to “The Wedding March,” and everyone took his or her place. Addie began her trek down the aisle. Tanya placed Cooper on the runner. He raced down the aisle and bee-lined to Megan forgetting he was supposed to go stand by Brian. The crowd chuckled. Then Tanya made her way to the front.

n turned to Karlie. “I’m sorry all this happened on your wedding day. I know you wanted it perfect, but at least you know it’ll be unforgettable.”

  Karlie had a wide grin. “It’s already perfect.”

  Ryan laughed. “I like your optimism.”

  Karlie smiled. “God didn’t want me entering my marriage with any questions. I’ll never have to wonder about Jamaal. Check. I’ll never have to argue with Brian about Merle’s deceitful behavior. Check.” She spread her hands. “Take a look who is left. Everything is as it should be.”

  Ryan saw Brian, Neil, Tanya, Myra, Addie, Kyle, Patricia, Megan, Cooper, Winona, and Sister Inez. His heart warmed.

  “You’re right,” he said, patting her hand. “It’s absolutely perfect.”

  Side by side, Ryan and Karlie ventured down the aisle. As long as he lived, Ryan would never forget this moment. His eyes misted when it was time to hand Karlie over.

  His chest puffed when Neil asked, “Who giveth this woman to this man to be wed?”

  “I do,” Ryan declared proudly. He kissed Karlie on the cheek and then hugged Brian. “I love you, son,” he said before joining their hands together.

  Karlie and Brian had written their vows.

  Karlie went first. She slid the ring onto Brian’s finger. Her hands shook but her voice rang clear. “Today as I look at you, I can say I’m glad I get to marry my best friend. I know to many it might sound like a cliché, but for me it’s the truth. I wasn’t worried about what I would say today because I know all you want is for me to speak from my heart.”

  Ryan took Megan’s hands in his and swallowed back the tears. Her sincerity was touching every one in the crowd.

  “You’re my rock and when I’m with you I feel strong but mostly I feel secure. I feel treasured. I feel respected. I know I can be myself with you because you know the real me. Yet, you love the real me. You calm me, you complete me and I’m going to cherish every moment of the rest our lives together. Forever. And, always.”

  Brian cleared his throat before touching a tendril of Karlie’s hair. “My love, my queen, before I begin my vows, I think there is something your mom would like to say.” He pulled a remote from his pocket and clicked play.