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A Reason to Sing Page 14

  He drew back. “You deserve the fairytale, Karlie. I don’t want you regretting not having your dream wedding for the rest of our lives. Because I’m only getting married once.”

  “I don’t need the fanfare. All I want is to be your wife. I want to wake up next to you in my bed.”

  Brian smiled. Her words wrapped around his heart like a cocoon. For the first time since Kyle’s shooting, Brian saw a different picture. “I would love to see your skin against a set of white sheets. I must take a picture of that.”

  She gave a look of pretend horror. “Oh, no. No more pictures of either of us in bed. Remember when I took that picture?”

  Brian chuckled. “Yes, and you sent it to Jamaal by mistake. Your sleeping next to me made that man come charging after me.” They shared a laugh. “It’s funny now, but I remember you screaming at our rolling around in the dirt.”

  She slapped his arm. “Fighting over me. It was a nightmare, and the worst thing was that it was all over the Internet.”

  “I’m glad I won the girl in the end.”

  She smiled. “So quit dragging your feet and marry me.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “Are you serious?”

  “I’m serious.”

  She rubbed her hands together. “I know exactly where I want to get married.”

  “Your mother’s house.”

  Her mouth popped open. “How did you know?”

  Brian smiled. He heard a throat clear, and both he and Karlie disentangled themselves and stood to greet the doctor. His shoulders relaxed when he saw the doctor had a smile on his face. Hallelujah.

  “Your father’s out of surgery. I had to repair his lung and insert a chest tube. Once the lung stays inflated, I’ll remove it. He’s fit and young so I’m guessing a week or two maximum.” The doctor shook his head. “He’s awake and asking for you. I didn’t need to place him on a ventilator so unless he gets an infection, your father will be discharged in a couple days.”

  Brian nodded, but his mind froze on “my father.” Brian kept a tight grip on Karlie’s hand, and she gave his hand a squeeze. “My father?” Had Kyle known all along? His body tensed.

  The doctor misunderstood Brian’s question. “I know most of that went over your head, but I assure you all is well. The bullet exited the body, which means someone was looking out for him. He’s one lucky man. He’ll be on antibiotics to prevent infection, but he’ll be around for quite some time.” With a quick pat on Brian’s shoulder, the doctor departed.

  Brian’s stomach muscles relaxed. He gave Karlie a hug. “Isn’t God good?” He looked into her eyes. “I can’t believe I could’ve lost my father today.”

  “But you didn’t. I only hope Kyle realizes how blessed he is because that wasn’t luck. That was the hand of God.”

  Ch. 26

  “You’re here,” Kyle croaked. He gave a half-smile. His chest was bandaged and his skin looked pale, but he seemed to be in good spirits for someone who hours before had almost lost his life.

  Brian walked into the room. “Of course, I’m here. I wouldn’t leave you alone.” Before going in to see him, Karlie had purchased Brian a T-shirt from the gift shop. He had washed up, switched his bloody dress shirt, and disposed of it in one of the biohazard waste cans.

  Kyle looked away. “I’m used to being alone.”

  Brian saw him eyeing the pitcher of ice and poured some in a cup.

  “Thanks so much.” Kyle sucked on ice chips. “I didn’t expect you to be here. I told the doctor you were my son. I hope you don’t mind.”

  Did he mind? If Kyle only knew the truth… Brian shook his head. “No. I’m glad you did because I was coming in here with or without permission.”

  “I gave you quite a scare. I scared myself. I thought I was a goner…” Kyle eased forward with his cup and grunted.

  Brian took the empty cup from Kyle and rested it on the lap tray. It was obvious Kyle wasn’t used to having someone there. Even with a bullet wound, he moved to help himself.

  After a weak, “Thanks,” Kyle closed his eyes.

  Brian remembered when he had been hospitalized. He had had more than his share of assistance with his many hoverers. Seeing Kyle here alone made Brian thank God for family, including Ryan. Regardless of their differences, Brian knew—and took for granted—Ryan would be there.

  He hunched his shoulders. He planned to be there for Kyle. Kyle needed him. Brian slipped in a chair and clasped his hands. “Lord, I thank You for bringing Kyle through surgery and for sparing his life. You are the Great Physician. See him through the rest of the way. Help Kyle recognize Your direction and submit to Your way.” Brian ended his prayer and wiped the corners of his eyes.

  “Don’t shed a tear for me,” Kyle said.

  Brian’s eyes popped open. “I thought you had fallen asleep,” he whispered. “I was just giving God thanks.”

  “Your God saved me.”

  “No, your God saved you.”

  Kyle made a feeble attempt to laugh. “Even when I’m on my back, you refuse to let me win an argument.”

  “Don’t think a bullet will give you an advantage.” They smiled.

  “I’m glad you prayed for me.”

  Brian leaned forward. He wasn’t sure he had heard Kyle’s barely whispered words.

  “I’m sorry I called you out like that in the lobby.”

  “It’s okay. You don’t scare me.”

  Kyle lifted an eyebrow. He tried to sit up, but Brian could see him cringing. Brian stood and went beside the bed. He didn’t want Kyle overexerting himself. Thank goodness Kyle was in great shape. He would recover quickly.

  “I’m glad you’re here.” Kyle eyes looked glassy. They held a warmth Brian had never seen before. “If you weren’t…” He cleared his throat. “I’m sure none of my employees would have stayed. They’ll send flowers or a card, but they wouldn’t be here.”

  Kyle lifted his hand. Brian placed his hand in his father’s, understanding Kyle’s need to make physical contact. He had wanted to hug the other man but hadn’t been sure if an embrace would have been welcomed. Kyle gave him a surprisingly strong clasp.

  “Thank you.” Kyle’s eyes drifted closed a second time.

  The clock said it was almost 1:30 a.m. Brian knew Kyle needed to get his rest, but he stood holding Kyle’s hands for twenty minutes. His heart expanded. They had the same hands. His smile was wide as he basked in the wonder of God’s doing. His height must have come from his mother’s side, but his brawn was all Kyle’s.

  Brian left feeling a sense of peace and completion. He hailed a cab and entered his home. His cell buzzed. It was a text from Karlie.

  Marry me tomorrow.

  He answered with an eloquent, Cool Beans.

  Then he remembered an important fact and texted Karlie again.

  What about the network?

  Her reply came quickly. I’ll have Winona notify them of our change of plans. I want a private ceremony. They can get exclusive rights to air it at a later date.


  Brian smiled. Tomorrow he would tell Kyle he was his son. He would have a father and a wife.

  Wasn’t God good?

  Ch. 27

  “Whoa.” Ryan yelped and jumped back.

  Megan’s shoe narrowly missed Ryan’s face.

  He had one foot inside the door and another outside. He took a careful step instead. The wide-eyed look on his face would have been comical if she hadn’t been so furious. Megan had been waiting in the darkness for hours. Worried and afraid. Thinking the worst. But her “husband-in-name-only” was fine.

  “Where have you been?” she bellowed. “It’s almost two a.m.! You ignored my calls and my texts. We might be married in name only, but I’m still your wife. The decent thing to do is call me, or didn’t you learn that in the twenty years you were already married?”

  Ryan shut the door behind him, keeping an eye on her.

  Megan spoke through her teeth. “
Don’t tell me you’ve been under some ho because if I’m not getting any, neither are you.” Her left eye ticked. One wrong move and she was going to be all over him.

  “I’m sorry if I upset you,” he said. “I’m going to lift my hand to turn on the light,”

  When the light came on, she stepped back and gasped. “What happened to you?”

  Ryan had blood all over his white shirt. Megan inspected him from head to toe. She was surprised how her knees weakened from his disheveled appearance. She folded her arms and waited.

  Ryan relaxed his cautious stance. “I was at the hospital. Brian called me. Kyle Manchester was shot today.”

  Her jaw slackened. “He was?” She rushed into the living area to turn on the television and flipped to the news station. Then she remembered the news wouldn’t be on at this hour.

  Ryan followed behind her. “Didn’t you watch the news earlier? One of the men from Kyle’s cases shot him. Brian was there when it happened. He called me sounding frantic so I drove into Manhattan.

  Megan nodded. She kept her back turned, not wanting Ryan to see her relief. “Where is he?”

  “Kyle’s at Mount Sinai. I didn’t get to see him, but I stayed until I was sure Brian was okay.”

  She felt a light tap on her arm and froze. Megan was mad at herself for worrying about Ryan. She didn’t want him thinking she cared. Megan only believed Ryan shouldn’t be out with other women while he was a married man. A long finger reached under her chin and turned her to face him.

  “Thank you for caring about me.” His gentle tone soothed her. “I should’ve called and let you know where I was. Please forgive me. I didn’t think it would matter to you, but that shouldn’t have stopped me. I promise you that will never happen again.”

  “I accept your apology,” Megan said. “I’m sorry I overreacted. I don’t know what possessed me to throw a shoe at you. I really thought something had happened and then I imagined you with another woman and I…”

  “You what?”

  Megan swallowed. Ryan was going to make her say the words. “I didn’t like it.” Her pride revolted, but Megan looked him in the eyes.

  He smiled and touched his chest. “You don’t ever have to worry about me with another woman. I have many faults, many, but women aren’t my vice.” His voice dropped and he moved closer. “I’m a one-woman man. I like to devote all my time and energy to one woman.” He brought her close to speak directly into her ear. “I believe when I’m with someone I should give her all of me.”

  Her insides heated and she shivered.

  He pulled away. “I’m an overachiever, and I can’t accomplish that if I’m dividing my time with multiple women. That kind of playing is for chumps.” Ryan snatched her flush to him. “I’m one hundred percent all yours if you’ll have me.”

  Megan’s body sprang alive. For some reason her body loved this man, even if her heart didn’t. She wrapped her arms around his waist. “Then why do you keep pushing me away?” Was that sultry voice hers?

  He tensed. “If I tell you the truth, it might spoil this moment.” Ryan’s hands were all over her back. He moved lower. “But I’ll tell you the truth if you want to know.”

  Megan bit her lip. Did she want to stop and have a conversation? Or did she want to work this man out of her system so she could go back to hating him?

  She needed a workout.

  Megan lifted her head and puckered her lips, and Ryan was only too happy to oblige. When their lips met for the first time, an explosion set off within her. At their wedding, they had shared a quick kiss. That’s all Megan had allowed. This time, however, Ryan had no such restraint. His mouth devoured hers. Megan welcomed the assault. Both were untamed and unprepared for the combustion.

  She broke the kiss to catch her breath. Ryan kept a firm grip on her back or she would have been a puddle.

  What a kiss.

  Ryan unbuttoned his shirt. “I’ve got to take a shower and wash off all this grime. Care to—”

  “I’ll join you,” she interrupted. His darkened eyes told her she had provided the right response.

  Ryan held out a hand. Megan knew if she took his hand and unleashed the beast, he might get territorial. Her desire struggled with her independent spirit and won. She wanted Ryan. She was going to have him. Once was all she needed to rid herself of this attraction. She ignored his hand and walked out of the room.

  Megan began undressing, knowing Ryan was smart enough to catch on. His groans told her how much he enjoyed her striptease. Megan hid a smile. Ryan was skilled, but this beauty knew a few tricks or two.

  She would enjoy bringing him to his knees.

  Ch. 28

  “Are you sure you want me to come in with you?” Karlie asked. “Maybe this is something you should do on your own.”

  Brian shook his head. “I need you with me.”

  They stood outside Kyle’s private room at eight a.m., not caring that they were defying tradition and seeing each other on their wedding day. Karlie had handled all the arrangements. All the important people were invited and coming via limousines. The cul-de-sac in front of her mother’s house had limited parking options. Brian’s heart swelled knowing his mother had made it back into town. Talk about perfect timing. The weather seemed cooperative so they opted for an outdoor wedding under Tiffany’s tree that she’d named Ben. Ben had seen Karlie’s mother through some tough times. The wedding arch would be set up under Ben’s branches.

  “Whatever the outcome, I’ll be with you.” She gave him a quick kiss.

  Brian willed his queasy stomach to settle and pushed open the door. Kyle was already up and from the sounds of things, conducting business on the phone. Despite his nervousness, Brian chuckled.

  “Don’t tell me you’re working,” Brian said. He tugged Karlie in with him.

  “You know me. The office would fall apart without me.” Kyle ended his call and greeted Brian with a fist bump. Brian returned the unusual greeting. Kyle wasn’t a fist-bump kind of guy. Kyle rested a curious gaze on Karlie and cocked his head. “Don’t tell me this gorgeous girl is with the likes of you.”

  Brian’s nerves eased. “This is my fiancé. We’re getting married this evening.”

  Kyle’s eyes widened. “Good for you. You could’ve text me instead of coming all the way up here.”

  “I had to see you.”

  Karlie extended a hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Kyle shook her hand. “Likewise.”

  Brian felt Karlie shiver and knew she felt it, too. The dark aura that always seemed to follow Kyle. Karlie went to the door and locked it. Then she returned to Brian’s side and took his hand. She closed her eyes and bowed her head. Brian knew what she intended to do and hoped she had been prayed up. Certain spiritual tasks required fasting and prayer.

  “I thought my nerves kept me from eating all day, but now I know God put me on fasting,” she said.

  Brian thought of his pancake platter and eggs and remained silent.

  “What’s going on?” Kyle asked. His eyes were filled with unease, and he looked ready to spring from the bed. “One of you had better explain or—”

  “We will,” Brian interrupted. He kept his hands joined with Karlie’s, went to the other side of the bed, and closed his eyes.

  “Holy Father,” Karlie prayed, “I invite Your presence in this room. You said wherever two or three are gathered, You’ll be in the midst. I come on the behalf of Kyle Manchester. You know him. You’ve formed him from inside his mother’s womb. You spared his life when the devil desired to smash it away. We thank You for protecting us even when we don’t need protection.”

  “Hallelujah,” Brian said. He felt a power build within him. God was using Karlie to lift up a spiritual standard.

  “You said in Your word that one shall slay a thousand and two shall put ten thousand to flight,” Karlie prayed. “So right now we come with the power of the Holy Ghost and under the authority of the blood of Jesus to counteract the plan
of the adversary. We see this man is spiritually bound, and right now in the name of Jesus, we ask God that You will loose him. Loose him from his captivity. Loose him from his pain. Loose him from the bondage of the devil. Loose him, Lord, and set him free. We believe we have the victory. We know the devil is defeated and he is a liar. Right now, in the name of Jesus, we command this presence to leave Kyle’s body, his home, and his place of work. We come against the legion and bid you take your flight, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus.”

  “Amen and amen,” Brian said. “So let it be.”

  Karlie lifted her hands and began to praise and worship God. She spoke in an unknown tongue and honored God.

  Brian opened his eyes and beheld Christ reflected on her face. There was a light about her as she gave herself over to worship. He had never seen a more beautiful woman. She was fearless in the spirit, and it made him love her more. He uplifted his faith and began to worship with her.

  Kyle groaned. He shook his head. “No. No.”

  “Yes,” Karlie said. “Legion, you have no place here. Depart from whence you came and leave God’s child alone.”

  Brian held back his wonder. Her voice sounded like God himself spoke. She had such authority.

  Brian lifted his hands. “Lord, I thank You. I honor You. Thank You for saving me. Fill Kyle’s heart with Your love so there will be no other room for anything to take root.”

  Kyle quieted.

  Brian felt a shift in the room. Peace entered and reigned within.

  Then Kyle raised his hand and said, “Thank you, Jesus.”

  “Thank you, Jesus,” Brian repeated. He looked over at his wife-to-be.

  She smiled at him through her tears and said, “God is awesome. There is none like Him. He is a deliverer.”

  Brian nodded and grabbed a tissue to wipe his face. Kyle’s three words made him choke up.

  “Say it, again,” Karlie said to Kyle.

  Kyle lifted his hand with awkwardness but he obeyed. “Thank you, Lord. Please save me.” His shoulders shook as he cried.