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A Reason to Sing Page 12

  She giggled. Tough luck for him. She was up and ready. Megan wouldn’t stop until he caved. She needed to know she hadn’t imagined that moment they shared two weeks ago.

  Megan had been furious but secretly relieved and her guilt eased hearing someone else express some of the sentiments she felt. She had been surprised when she had fallen apart in Ryan’s arms, but she had never released her pain before that day. Ryan had been strong, and she welcomed his comfort. He hadn’t been a beast. She had peered into his eyes and seen the depth of the man underneath. Megan remembered the man who had prayed for her. Something within her stirred, and she realized she wanted to know that man. Needed him.

  That’s why she had touched him.

  She knew they had connected, but when Ryan raced out of the house like he was in an episode of Scooby-Doo, Megan had sunk to the floor in shame. She couldn’t believe she had been ready to sleep with Jackson’s murderer. A tiny part of her protested, but a significant part of her admitted her attraction.

  At first, she had felt guilty, as if she was betraying Jackson, and felt relieved when Ryan rushed off. But that guilt hadn’t lasted more than a day or two. Jackson was…gone, but Ryan was here. Watching Ryan with Cooper melted her heart. For a mother, that was the biggest turn-on. Every time Cooper rushed into his arms, the crack in her resistance widened.

  She fought it, but it was there. Her anger only served to bring the truth to the surface.

  It wasn’t as if she was in love with Ryan, she told herself, but it was difficult for a healthy female to share the same roof and bed with a virile man and not feel desire. Logically, it was bound to happen. Megan wasn’t going to lie to herself and pretend she didn’t tingle when he was near.

  She couldn’t stop her eyes from seeing his body.

  Ryan was all in her face with those muscles, those small hips and that… butt. His six-pack reminded her of strings on a guitar. She ached to play him. It was all about that bass.

  She was a Christian, but she was also human and ready to indulge in legal sex. God sanctioned their union. The marriage bed was undefiled. She pursed her lips. At the moment, their marriage bed was unused. From the looks of things, that was how it would remain. For whatever reason, Ryan had decided to keep to their in-name only agreement. She sighed. She had three hundred days left. Megan prayed for shorter days because the nights were long enough.

  If only he would tell her what spooked him. Every time she asked, however, he clamped his lips close or changed the subject. She shook her head. She just didn’t get it.

  She knew he wanted her. There was no denying that. So what was the problem? Maybe he was suspicious of her wanting to tango when she had avoided even doing a two-step. Maybe he thought she was up to something. She shook her head. He had no way of knowing about the FBI’s visit. She scratched her chin. Ryan was an enigma.

  Megan reached over to the nightstand to turn up the baby monitor. Cooper had been asleep for an hour. It was close to midnight. Ryan should be…

  Her ears pricked. The alarm beeped.

  He was home. She came from under the covers and positioned herself to give him a good view.

  Ryan stopped by the door.

  She felt the heat of his gaze and willed him to come to her. She watched him from under her lashes, her body breathing in tune with his. Megan ran a hand up her leg.

  He reached for his tie.

  Her heart raced.

  He slipped it off.

  She arched her back.

  He took a step.

  She clutched the sheets.

  He turned and walked away.

  Megan slumped. A tear rolled from the corner of her eye. Resignation seeped through her bones and settled into her mind. She didn’t know why she suddenly wanted the man she had married but he no longer wanted her. She must have turned him off. She was done with this game. Megan didn’t play games she didn’t win.

  She slid out of bed, shimmied out of the chemise, and stuffed it into her dresser and took out a pair of comfy pajamas. Megan got her Bible and settled onto the ottoman. She was going to gorge on the Word since it was obvious that the rest of her would go hungry.

  Ch. 22

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Kyle asked, grabbing his jacket from the back of his chair. He held his briefcase and appeared eager to leave.

  Kyle and Brian were the only two left in Kyle’s office. All the other employees had left to meet up at the pub nearby. They were gathering to hail Kyle’s victory on a challenging case. He had made close to $3 million from a single settlement.

  Brian had been standing by the huge glass window enjoying the nightlights. The view was majestic. He turned to face Kyle.

  Kyle’s eyes and smile were bright. He was pumped. Brian didn’t know how he had managed to end up with two money-hungry fathers. He observed Kyle from under his lashes. Kyle seemed to care more about winning, though. He had only lost one case in his career, and that was because Jackson Higgins had chosen to commit suicide.

  Brian smiled at Kyle’s enthusiasm but shook his head. “I’m good.” He looked at his watch. “If I leave now, I’ll make it in time for Bible study.” He didn’t add he would also get to see Karlie. She hadn’t answered his text messages or calls for six weeks.

  “Bible study?” Kyle snorted. “You’re turning down some of the best entertainment—booze and beauties—to go to Bible study?” He said “Bible study” as if he had eaten sour grapes.

  The festive mood dimmed. Brian glared. “You have your way to celebrate, and I have mine. I don’t need booze. I have the Holy Spirit, who is my new wine. I don’t need beauties. I have a fiancé who is stunning and—”

  “Who hasn’t spoken to you in almost two months.” Kyle interrupted.

  Brian lifted an eyebrow.

  Kyle nodded, dropping his briefcase on his desk. “I’m observant. I notice you checking your phone all the time. I haven’t heard you once excuse yourself to talk to your honey. I see the abject misery on your face when you think no one is looking. I know when a man is jonesing on a woman.” He flicked at the lint on his pants. “So did you two have a falling out?”

  Brian nodded. He thought he had hidden his despondency, but Kyle hadn’t been fooled.

  “Have you done the usual chocolates, jewelry, or flowers?” Kyle’s tone was unusually filled with compassion. He slipped into a chair and crossed his legs. Brian felt touched Kyle cared enough to ask.

  “Karlie’s not the type who is swayed by those things,” Brian said.

  Kyle cocked his head. “She sounds like a special woman.”

  Brian smiled. “She is one of a kind.”

  “I’ve never experienced that emotion myself,” Kyle said. “But if your face is any indication, I want no part of it.”

  Brian chuckled. “Do I look that bad?”

  “No, you look worse.” Kyle said. “Love is clearly overrated.”

  Brian’s eyebrows furrowed as he mulled over Kyle’s words. He settled in the seat across from Kyle. “Are you saying you’ve never been in love?” He thought of his mother and felt a pang. Kyle and Patricia had been dating before she met Ryan. Brian had hoped he had been conceived in love. He swallowed his disappointment at being the product of lust. Then he shook away the thought. He was here. That was what counted.

  “I thought I had found someone. I found her unlike any woman I had known before or met since. She made me hope for things…” Kyle drifted off. He seemed to be far away, reeling through the film of the past.

  Brian leaned forward. “Who was she?” he asked. His heart raced. Brian wanted it to be Patricia, but he realized this was the first time since he had been an intern that he had seen this softer side to Kyle. It gave him hope.

  Kyle tapped his chin. “She was a girl. But I’ve already forgotten her.”

  He’s lying. Whoever she was, Kyle had cared. His voice and features had softened. He looked younger and…human. Brian saw his first glimpse of the man God might be seeing.

sp; “I don’t think you’ve forgotten.” Brian’s quiet words settled between the two men.

  Kyle shrugged. Then his face transformed. “She’s a blip on the radar of my life. I’m way past that. If you come with me tonight, you’ll see that.”

  Brian stood. “As I said, I’ll pass.” He had had his share of one-night stands and even threesomes. None of those adventures was fulfilling. They had left him yearning and aching for more.

  “Suit yourself,” Kyle said, springing to his feet. He strutted toward the door. “Don’t forget to set the alarm before you leave.”

  “I will.” Kyle had entrusted Brian with his secret code. Brian was the only person Kyle had given after-hour access. That was how much he had earned the other man’s trust. Brian felt honored because Kyle didn’t trust anyone. Kyle didn’t have any friends either. What mattered to Kyle the most was work. He needed to win like he needed to breathe.

  Brian gathered his wallet and activated the alarm. He entered the elevator. “Lord, how I do show him there is more to life than material things? He thinks he has everything. But he doesn’t have You.”

  His heart pained to think his father had never known true love. Kyle lavished his employees with expensive gifts but kept the gift of his heart to himself. Brian discerned Kyle had shut people out of his life. His hardened state made him an easy target for the devil. The enemy had him bound.

  The elevator reached the lobby. Brian exited the elevator car with his fists clenched. He was ready to fight. His father was a captive in need of freeing, but this battle couldn’t be won with might or power. He needed the Spirit of God. His fists loosened. A strong urge overtook him. He needed to pray for Kyle. He couldn’t wait until he got to church. He had to do it now.

  Right where he was, Brian knelt to pray. He had to obey the leading of the Holy Spirit.

  “Father, at this moment, I plead the Blood over Kyle’s life. I pronounce Your healing and deliverance over his life. I counteract every plan of the adversary. Loose your son and set him free. In Jesus’ name, Amen.” Brian stood to leave. He had attracted the attention of some curious onlookers. One in particular stormed his way.

  “What on earth were you doing on your knees?” Kyle fumed. He looked around at the passersby and pinned Brian with a look of derision. “Have you no shame? You’re in public and wearing Armani. This building houses top executives from across the nation. Are you daft? Why on earth would you be on your knees?”

  Brian knew his face was red. Kyle was coming at him, heedless of the crowd watching. Brian lifted his chin. “I was praying for you.” His voice rang clear in the deserted space.

  Kyle’s eyes widened. He grabbed onto Brian’s jacket and shook him. “Why are you praying for me? I don’t need your prayers.” He shook his head. “You’re a Jesus lover, and it’s making you into a crazy man. No rational human being behaves this way. I’ve never been so ashamed in all my life.”

  Brian stood quiet as a lamb until Kyle cooled. The crowd dispersed. They probably realized Brian wasn’t going to fight back and lost interest. “I’m not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. It is the power of God unto salvation.” Brian found his voice from Romans 1:16. “As I was leaving, I felt the strong need to pray for you. I don’t normally fall to my knees unless I’m at the altar, but the urge was strong. I had to obey. The weight of the emotions overshadowing me was more important than my pride.” He dusted off his pants. “My clothes will recover and so will my pride, but I couldn’t disobey God.”

  Kyle shook his head. “I like you, but I don’t think this internship is going to work out.”

  His father’s words punctured his heart like a sharp knife.

  Kyle’s next words twisted the blade deeper. “I don’t know how I imagined I saw myself in you. You’re a wimp. This God of yours is making you weak.” Kyle put his hands on his hips, unaware he was inflicting damage to Brian’s psyche.

  Brian looked upward briefly. Lord, I need You to help me speak up for You because I can’t find the words. His tongue is whipping my heart.

  “Let me ask you a question,” Kyle curled his lips. “If we were together in court and you had felt this urge, would you have done the same thing?”

  Brian realized his internship and the fledgling relationship he was building with his father relied on his response. But there was only one answer he could give. He licked his lips and said in a grave voice, “Yes, I would.”

  Kyle stepped back and turned away from him. Brian saw the disappointment on Kyle’s face and experienced the pain of rejection—again. What was wrong with him that two fathers could toss him aside like uneaten fruit?

  His shoulders sagged as Kyle sailed through the revolving door without a backward glance. Brian lowered his head and blinked away the tears. No way did he want to fall apart in the lobby.

  When he heard a bang however, his head popped up. That sounded like a—

  Brian’s feet catapulted him through the door. He gasped and fought the scream tearing through his chest.

  His father was on the ground, lying in a pool of blood.

  Ch. 23

  Brian launched himself toward the man prostrate on the ground. A Good Samaritan had already begun CPR. Kyle’s hand was on his chest. “I’ve been sh-shot,” he said when he saw Brian. He took short breaths, gasping for air. A trail of blood leaked from his mouth. Brian bit back the panic threatening to engulf him.

  “Hold on,” Brian urged. The stressful situation made Brian’s face and clothes soaked with perspiration.

  “I—I—” Kyle lost consciousness.

  “No!” Brian heard the wail and realized it was his own voice. He held back a sob. He couldn’t lose his father when he had just found him. “Please, God. Please. Don’t take him yet.” There was so much blood. Brian swayed. He couldn’t fall apart. He had to focus on helping his father.

  Brian dropped beside the man doing CPR.

  “Try to stem the blood flow,” the man said between breaths.

  Brian used his jacket to press down and stop the bleeding. Within seconds, his hands were covered with crimson. Brian clenched his jaw and kept applying pressure. His mind barely registered the screams of the onlookers behind him. He heard a scuffle, but Brian kept his eyes trained on Kyle.

  “He’s not breathing,” he said in a moment of panic.

  “I’ll keep going,” the man huffed. “Blood must have filled his lungs.” Sweat washed the man’s face and back, yet he pressed on.

  Brian drew strength from seeing the man’s persistence. He wiped his face, not realizing it would be covered with Kyle’s blood, and sought the Breath of Life. “God, please help.” His body shuddered with emotion, but Brian had to hold onto whatever little faith he could muster because Kyle’s face looked pale. Death seemed to be upon him. Brian’s body tensed.

  He refused to lose courage. It was no coincidence he had been led to pray for Kyle before the shooting. He would continue to trust in God, who had the final say-so. “Jehovah Rapha, have mercy,” he said, using the Hebrew language for “The Lord Who Heals.”

  Brian heard the ambulance in the distance. “Thank you, Jesus. Hold on, Kyle.” He knew Kyle couldn’t hear him. Brian’s heart raced with the sound of the siren.

  The crowd parted for the red and white vehicle to park.

  “A man got shot.”

  “He’s on the ground.”

  “Is he dead?”

  Brian tuned out the voices of the curious and focused on the EMTs. “I’m over here!” he yelled, though they could see him. He kept his hand on Kyle’s chest. The Good Samaritan looked up. His face held relief. Brian could see he was exhausted from his efforts, but the man had kept on going. The EMTs relieved him and someone in the crowd offered him a cold bottled water. The man guzzled the liquid before pouring some on his face and hands.

  Now that help had arrived, Brian willed his stomach to calm but the knots churned. The EMTs raced to open the back and retrieve the stretcher. They moved with speed and precision.

>   “Who is he?” one asked, once he was by Brian’s side. “It looks like the bullet exited, but it may have damaged the lung, which would explain the bleeding.”

  “His name is Kyle Manchester. He works in the building across the street.” Brian’s body shook. “Will he be all right?”

  “He’ll probably need surgery. That’s the doctor’s call.”

  He watched as the EMT used a stethoscope and placed it on Kyle’s chest while the other took Kyle’s blood pressure. Brian’s chest heaved as he watched their every move. He watched and prayed. The seconds felt like hours. Brian prayed until he heard a jubilant, “We got a pulse!”

  His shoulders sagged and Brian released the breath he hadn’t realized he held. “God, You’re a deliverer,” he whispered. His body shook and he wiped his face. A police officer brought him a rag and water. Brian quenched his thirst and washed the blood off his hands and face.

  The EMTs moved Kyle onto the stretcher. “His blood pressure’s low.” He inserted an endotracheal tube and began an IV drip.

  As they worked, one of the EMTs asked Brian, “Do you know what happened?”

  “This man shot him.” That statement came from a bystander behind Brian.

  Brian twisted around to see three men had detained a man Brian recognized. That must have been what the scuffle had been about. His mouth popped open and he felt his eyes grow wide. Brian pointed an accusatory finger. “That’s Pierce Samson. Kyle won a case against him.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe you would do this.”

  “I didn’t do it,” Pierce shouted, shaking his head. His eyes were wide and his skin flushed. He attempted to free himself but the men hung on tight. “I got a phone call to meet Kyle. I called to him. Kyle started to walk in my direction when the shot rang out. I had nothing to do with it.”